
yellowjacketThe Meridian Independent School District encompasses 147 square miles of Bosque County. The two campuses, Meridian elementary School (Grades Pre-K – 6) and Meridian High School (Grades 7-12), serve the educational needs of approximately 552 students. Both campuses are proud of their strong curriculum and the students’ annual successful performance on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) exam. Meridian ISD is currently a Texas Recognized district.

The district employs eighty-two staff members. It is governed by a seven member Board of Trustees that takes pride in being part of the team composed of staff, students, parents and community members working toward student success.

The mission of Meridian ISD is to provide an orderly and safe environment and challenging curriculum for all students to learn social, academic and technological skills necessary to succeed in a changing and global society. Each child will possess a positive self concept, the desire to learn and the morals and ethics to become a productive citizen.

Visit the Meridian ISD web site at

public_libraryThe Meridian Public Library went from a suggestion to a reality in less than one year. Volunteer citizens, working together, researched, planned and proceeded to bring the library into existence. It has a children’s area for “story time”, a children’s section of reading materials, a section for teens and a section for adult readers. The Meridian Public Library also features a collection of the ballads, cowboy songs and poetry, spiritual and ethnic songs that were collected by Meridian native John A. Lomax.

Office Hours: Thur/Fri 9-4 / Phones answered M-F 9-4